Thursday, April 26, 2012

What's the best AGP video card for 300W power supply?

I got only 300W power supply and need a AGP video card. What's the best available? thanks.|||I'm a big nVidia fan (don't like ATI) so my recommedation is to stick to the 6 series nVidia AGP cards. The 6800 XT is a great card, I have a 6800 GS in one of my computers and it runs all of the current games (BF2, BF2142, etc.) with no problems.

When you get to the 7 series nVida cards, they recommend a 400 watt power supply - so stay in the 6's. Here's a link to a very well priced XT card.…|||Honestly, just buy an new PS. You could get a 450 for $15 off of|||I suggest the ATI 9600 Pro. It is just a 16 watter. Won't stress your power supply.

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